Oktober 2022

Day 1
Students participating in a workshop “Let’s give things another life!” and using different kinds of materials (different kinds of plastic, paper, fabrics, technical materials, etc.) created some other things that could be as engineering prototypes or ideas of some other useful things and equipment. All these things have some innovative aspects which mean coding with Arduino or micro: bits in order to make them function. The teams presented their works. A competition will be organized and the best or the most innovative and original works will be selected. Photos and video of this workshop will be made in order to disseminate this experience and share with others.

Day 2
Visiting Vilnius Old Town: team game in Vilnius city center “Famous landmarks of the Old Town” (discovery of certain famous places using some given clues) in order to get known with the cultural and historical points of Lithuania.
Students participated in a digital workshop and learn to create a computer game (or digital comics) on recycling.

Day 3
A workshop “Eco Site” organized. Students worked in 6 mixt teams and created 6 eco sites with original ideas about collecting, selecting and recycling things.
A trip to some historical or cultural places will be organized in order to present some basis of Lithuanian heritage and cultural background.

Day 4
Visited some places around Vilnius. Students still worked in group to realize their eco sites.
The debates on the project topic was organized.

Day 5
Finishing digital infographics. From taken photos and transformed into QRs, prepared information and gained knowledge students finished their Eco Sites, infographics and spread their word how we all together can reduce, reuse, recycle. Students compared different situations in different countries in the frame of the project