May 2023
The final session of our Project took part in Turkey where we hosted our partners for an exhibition of the outputs of our Project, an eco-summit and activities to evaluate the sustainability outcomes. These was held in the foyer lounge and the conference hall of the school buildings in order not to interrupt the daily routine of the school.

Day 1
In the morning, a city tour was held. Field trips were organized in predestined areas to collect recyclable products for later workshop use. The participants were provided with bags, gloves, and sanitizers during the activity. After the lunch break at school, a Recycling Treasure Hunt game was organized; each contestant team was formed of mixed students from partner schools and the winners were awarded surprise gifts from the host school.
Photos and videos were shot in both activities which will be posted on the Project Facebook page, school youtube channel and etwinning portal.
Day 2
The second day is the day for workshops at school. In the first session, the participating schools wrote a speech for their group to be given by a spokesperson of their own choice at the summit and prepare presentations to share their experience by photos, videos, newspaper articles, etc all through the process. Their work was inserted in QR codes which were shared online, at the exhibition center and on the school billboards so that the access can be diverse and perpetual.
In the second session, all the participants worked together on the manifesto of the project.
After the lunch break, the exhibition center was prepared where the outputs of the Project with QR codes were on display for 2 days.

Day 3
The formal opening of the exhibition was done with the presence of a representative of the municipality and other stakeholders. Guest schools from the district were invited; videos about recycling were shown and workshops were held by the participant students.
Day 4
The exhibition continued under the supervision of responsible teachers. To disseminate the outcomes and outputs among the younger generation for sustainability, secondary schools wree invited. Recyclable recycled-gift workshops were held.
Meanwhile, the coordinator teachers had a meeting to evaluate the overall project and made necessary arrangements for the final. In the afternoon the stalls were packed and the exhibition was finished. A sustainability quiz game on Kahoot was played in the school conference hall to evaluate the learning outcome of the project in a funny way.

Day 5
The exhibition and a farewell party wer held: each participant school gave a speech, made their presentation and shared their experience. The manifesto of the Project was read and shared on the Project Facebook page, school official sites and youtube channels and etwinning portal. The manifesto will also be shared on the related official websites.